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Birds of a Feather

A talkative parrot attempts to befriend a boy with Tourette's Syndrome. Fall 2023

Birds of a Feather is my capstone film for my undergrad animation degree. Because this story has very limited dialogue outside of the tics, I focused on the performance of the characters and the type of shots I was using in order to establish the rising conflict and show off the heart of the film. One of the main goals was to tell a story with tourette's representation that felt authentic as well as contributing to the story, so special attention was paid to the movement and timing of the tics as well

Crow Valley Ghost Club

Crow Valley Ghost Club follows the adventures of club members Watson and Maxwell as they use their unique abilities to protect the specter realm and the living realm alike, all while navigating the terrifying journey of growing up. Fall 2022

Because of the length of this project, I was only allowed minimum amount of revisions on boards before moving into production, so I put a larger emphasis on gesture and staging as opposed to clean-up. Drawings were rough and fast to expediate pre-production while also clear enough to see what the keys of the movement would be in the next stage


This is only a small section of the full storyboard

Out of Serum

A perfectly ordinary kid living his ordinary life, just so long as he finds a vial of serum before the sun goes down. Spring 2022

Out of Serum is a small section of a larger story called Space and Sea. With these boards, I wanted to introduce Seymour and establish who he is and the driving conflict in his life while still telling an entertaining story without showing my cards too early. Because I had more time than other projects, I put more focus on final polish and clear layouts.

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